Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Five Amigos

We tried for six...but ended up with our five amigos. This was a first time trip for Dale, Ken and Joshua. FLAME is a mobile bible college experience/ministerial training that takes place at several of our Wesleyan camps throughout the year. Larry and Ken mastered the Old Testament survey. Dale and Josh (and myself) took personal evangelism with Pastor Mark Wilson. Pastor Mark has one of my recommended blog sites. [Check it out!] This is a repeat course for me; Pastor Mark realizes that I don't 'get it all' the first time around!
Larry and Josh stunned us with their awesome participation, as musicians, in group worship. We pray for more amigos for the January FLAME! Sure is nice to team pastor with these men. Lord, we pray that you bless us...as we serve you together.
Pastor Al


Dale said...

hey ain't that a bunch of good looking guys. wow just thinking of the fellowship and the worship of those three days makes me homesick for heaven.

Javier said...

I don't know about the good looking part.... but you all sure look like you had a good time. I wish I could have been there to experience FLAME with you guys. Maybe next time, the six Amigos... that sounds good.